Pharmacy Services & Medication Management

Getting the right medication and staying on track is essential to managing, healing and helping many illnesses and conditions. Some medications may be fairly simple to take and monitor, and may have relatively low side effects if used improperly or missed. Other medications can be vital to the patient’s health and even survival, and can have serious risks if they are not taken or if the dosage is incorrect. Though medications are so important, they are also easy to forget and can be difficult to manage. When multiple medications must be taken in varying doses or at varying times, routines can be even more problematic. Some medicines carry risks of dependency that can be difficult to manage alone, and many do not have a trusted friend or family member to help them. When managing multiple medications, refilling prescriptions can also be difficult to remember and especially problematic for those who cannot drive and do not have a pharmacy near to them. The Helping Hearts Foundation acts as a trusted friend for all who need assistance with medications in Northern California, and helps simplify the process. Through a partnership with locally-owned OPM pharmacy, Helping Hearts can deliver your medication to you in a form that is easy to manage and understand. We also provide after-hours and emergency refills in the event you forget to refill vital prescriptions.

Helping Hearts Pharmacy Services & Medication Management in Sacramento County, Sutter County, El Dorado County, Placer County, Yolo County & San Joaquin County

Medication Management: What it is & Why it’s Important

Pharmacy-Services-300x200 Pharmacy ServicesWhen medications have become too complex or numerous to manage, getting assistance can prevent harmful side-effects. For those who cannot rely on family members or friends to assist them, or when medications have become too complex for others to manage, forgetting to take medications or taking them incorrectly can be a constant fear. Nurses, doctors and pharmacists can help manage medicines, but getting regular assistance can get expensive when the patient is at home.

“Bubble Wrapping” Medication for Safety

OPM pharmacy and Helping Hearts provides a system customized to each person and makes taking medicines in the correct dose easy. We “bubble wrap” each day’s medications in their own compartment so they can be popped out and taken at the correct time. The bubble wrapping is conducted by a pharmacist, so each dose is properly filled and sealed. Bubble wrapping is similar to sorting medicines in weekly pill organizers, except that there is no confusion when the box is empty and must be refilled. This way, there is no risk of over-medicating or of skipping necessary medicines. Each set of bubbles is delivered to the patient’s home and can be easily refilled at any time. With home delivery, there is no risk of car accidents, arduous trips or emergencies. Bubble wrapping medicines also makes managing medicines alone simple and easy. This eliminates the need for an in-home assistant, giving the patient more independence while reducing risks. Bubble wrapping may be conducted for prescriptions, over-the-counter medicines or both, and can be used for nearly any medication. Whether you or your loved ones require medication to treat pain, muscle soreness, a chronic condition or an illness, Helping Hearts can help organize essential medicines into an easy to understand and use system.

How Involved is Helping Hearts in Regards to Managing Medications?

With pharmacy services through Helping Hearts, you will not have to worry about missing refills or getting the correct pills. You will always have the proper dose of any medicine and you will be able to easily and effectively treat the pain, discomfort and risks of any condition. Some medicines for debilitating conditions and advanced illnesses can be especially difficult to use and keep track of. For complex pharmaceuticals, Helping Hearts provides hands-on training and education to instruct patients and caregivers how to best use each medicine. These instructions include helpful hints that make it easier to remember to take medications, organizational habits, specialized techniques for applying certain medications, and optimal times to take or use particular drugs. Pharmacy services are an ideal solution for many patients and families, whether you are recovering from an accident, treating an illness, managing a chronic condition or for many other reasons. There are no age or condition restrictions, so anyone in need may take advantage of this easy-to-use service. As a non-profit organization, Helping Hearts makes getting essential medications easy with little expense. Our pharmacy services are a part of our commitment to quality living, better health and independence for all, and especially for those in need.

If you are struggling to fill medications, you have forgotten to take medicines or you are relying on others to help manage your routine, bubbling wrapping and delivery can make your life easier. Give us a call to learn more about pharmacy services in Northern California including Sacramento and Placer for your medicines and how this helpful program can help you manage your day and any condition you are struggling with. Helping Hearts is happy to answer any questions you may have and explain any pharmacy services that you are interested in.